Community Guidelines
Welcome to the VQS EATS platform. Our guidelines were created to ensure that every user has a safe, respectful, and positive experience. These guidelines apply to everyone who uses our platform, including delivery people, users, merchants, and businesses. They also apply to interactions with VQS EATS employees and contractors, both online and over the phone. In some cases, our guidelines also apply to conduct outside of the VQS EATS platform that may threaten the safety of our community.
We appreciate your support in creating a welcoming environment.
Our guidelines outline positive community engagement on the VQS EATS platform, as well as behaviors or circumstances that may result in losing access to our services. While there may be unforeseen events that lead to losing access, we regularly update our guidelines to ensure that everyone in our community feels safe and welcome.
All users are required to follow our Community Guidelines, which are based on three pillars: treating everyone with respect, helping to keep each other safe, and following the law. The guidelines in each of these sections outline the standards we expect from our users.
We also have additional guidelines for merchants and delivery people.
We strive to follow all applicable laws and regulations and expect our users to do the same. Your feedback is important to us, so please let us know if something happens, whether it's good or bad.
It's essential to treat everyone in our community with respect. Your behavior can have a significant impact on the safety and comfort of others, so please exercise good judgment and behave decently when using our platform.
We do not allow any discrimination based on race or other legally protected traits on our platform. If you do so, you may lose access to our services. If you see discrimination, please let us know, and we will act accordingly. We want everyone to feel supported and welcomed on our platform. Our standards and policies show this, and we keep them up to date. We appreciate your help in making VQS EATS a safe and welcoming community.